you need to bet some of that cash on the games today Verti
That reminds me of Flip and partner drilling a shallow water well........the kids thought they were magicians! Kids love seeing the world!
I must share~ my students know of the "tree climbing man" who helps get me in a happy mood with a cup of coffee everyday! To get them to write,...
did you get some dessert?
glad to see you back~
those Dawgs??? thought I would hear out of you.....
this election year has given me "little hope or someone to chose from" it is hard for me to believe either is the "best" we have to offer
The Wii is awesome I want to get Wii Fit
Welcome to the Pub~ your threads have been a nice addition
got to love a DAWG BEATING
Thanks for the note Now to get the kids to hook it up!
perfect house to go with your hat/broom~ LoL
Jimmy Buffet doing a huge "FREE" concert for Barack O. at Ford Amp on Sunday......would love to hear, but not fighting the crowd
[IMG] cant' wait to hear about the Monkey's Fun tonight