When I was in high school, I played football all four years. Sometimes after a game, I'd wake up in the middle of the night with screaming leg...
Based on what I've heard and read, I'd be shocked if Chinyelu got less than 20 minutes per game. Shocked, I tell you!
I do agree that at about the midway point in the season, Torvik's is probably the closest to reality.
I could not care less about what NBA fans think of their draft picks. Chicago Bulls fans were loudly booing the waste of a selection in...
David Lee was easily the best player on that team.
UK is always loaded with talent. This season is no exception, and they've now got a better coach. What's the issue with Condon at 10 ppg? Our...
What jumps out is the overall strength of the SEC in this ranking. The worst team in the conference is listed as the #75 team in the country....
Insider Notes From Florida Basketball’s Open Practice | GatorCountry.com
I sure didn't.
What exactly were they allowed to do today?
I guess if the staff isn't worried about the point, I'm not either.
Urban K will get his first dose of American football in a few hours.
Don't know if I like hearing Condon looks slimmer. I want him putting on the muscle.
Harry Fodder: Football Eve Basketball Bytes - Florida Gators Chris Harry says the pickup game battles between Condon and Chenyelu have been...
Joe Lunardi is not a journalist. Joe Lunardi is an internet wanker living in his mom's basement.
Is that the first day of practice?
We didn't need a huge transfer class, which is a lot of what they're judging. What we got was a solid interior guy who can rebound and defend, a...
When is the win-win when we win?
I don't know yet what position suits him best, but his sophomore jump will probably sort him. Like the Hogwarts sorting hat. I don't see him in...