That group functioned so well. Don't forget that Corey Brewer's perimeter defense got teams out of their comfort zone the second they got into...
Shaq would have fouled out in the first quarter of every game way back when. There was a time when you couldn't just bull your way to the hoop.
I hate when someone says, "Well, they earned it." Favoring one player over others because of popularity is essentially cheating.
Please don't.
In an attempt to move past the above brouhaha, I'm posting Nick Marcinko's notes from yesterday's practice. Some good reading. Insider notes from...
I self-diagnosed and self-remedied with a blend of coconut rum, grenadine, sprite, and crushed ice. We're all good.
Correct. A one-and-one is going to be different from a 2-shot foul, which might agree with Eric's math. Each scenario will have different...
You also have to take into account that it's less likely you'll even get a 2nd free throw after a foul. You have to make the first to get a 2nd....
I guaran-damn-tee you, if Walter got offers from UF, Notre Dame, UT, et al, he got a lot more from others. Book it. Rivals doesn't list every...
In one of the clips from the 1st practice, you can see Rueben Chinyelu executing a textbook blockout on Viktor Mikic. Having heard so much about...
The NCAA needs some new rules before it's too late. They can't do anything about NIL money, but they CAN do something about the whole free agency...
Yep. Parsons had more of a steady improvement line over his four years. Not a huge sophomore jump.
Lite? Maybe. Certainly he's more similar to CP than to Bonner. But he was better as a freshman than CP was as a freshman.
Yep. Basketball can turn on a dime. You might play hard for 4/5ths of the game against a lesser opponent, and then take your foot off the gas....
Well, there's also the free-throw shooting.
So good to see Kennedy Martin and Alexis Stucky back and getting the floor time before SEC play. Huuuuge difference from a couple of weeks ago....
I don't remember who said it, but one guy on this board once said, "Bonner shoots like Larry Bird and runs the floor like Frankenstein." :D
The only thing he has in common with Matt Bonner is that they're both white basketball players.
40-0, baby! Already ordered my tee-shirt.
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