We're good at stealing their wide receivers. Maybe we can steal a hoopster too.
Maybe, maybe not, but he can play and he'll be in the rotation. We won't know until Chris Harry starts leaking info from fall practice.
I agree on the teams in this tournament. They'd go 0-18 in the SEC, but not because of Klavzar.
Wait... you think Alexis is going to start ahead of Condon??? Ain't gonna happen.
Gotta consider the great Neal Walk.
There are several guys in that tape that look like high-major players to me, Klavzar and Kublickas being the best among them. But the bigs look...
But back to your question... My 3v3 Gators would include Corey Brewer, Bradley Beal, and... hmm... Jason Williams if he puts the bong down. As the...
I didn't know what the rules are so I just looked it up. Yes, scoring is 1 point for shots inside the arc, 2 points for outside the arc. Shooting...
There ain't no cure for the summertime blues.
Urban not only looks a little like Jason Williams, some of his moves look like JWill's.
Watching some of that tape, Kajus doesn't look bad but Urban just looks better. He can get his shot off when he needs to. As for the venue, you...
That's a diversionary argument.
Don't know if y'all keep up with Gator track & field, but Parker Valby made the U.S. Olympics team for the 10K run. She absolutely destroyed the...