I don't think this offense has an up tempo.
He should skip the pepperoni.
It'll be a victory if we get some points, this offense has no prayer of over coming a deficit like this. Are we still high off that 1st half vs...
Awesome Logo, bring it back.
Time for some new writers, get the guy who does the SEC Roll Call.
The grass is not blue. The only good part of the start is the very top :cool:
It's a lot of peoples opinions.
Disappointing they didn't go for the points record. Always run the score up, punish the other team :cool:
I think the taking too long part is intentionally built in, we love to run that clock.
The fact we don't seem to even try and throw INTO the end zone makes thing even tighter down there.
Pigs should have let them score with a minute to go.
I just don't get this level of conservative, and No I don't think it'll change with tons of 5 star athletes, this is DNA type stuff.
Our offense is run based on avoiding bad things, trying to do good things is way down the line behind making sure the clock runs.
Not gonna lie...that would be more fun to watch :D
I get conservative but it seems our entire offensive plan is "Make that clock run"
Shame the Ducks called off the dogs, could have had 80.
I'm sure Lane will get that breakthrough win any decade now.
Mail in year for SEC on CBS, they are going to put their prime guys on the big10 games.
Td-2Pt TD-Extra Point
Bet CBS regrets grabbing that one.