If KY throws a pass from here on in they are fools.
Seems like 22 was open pass the line.
Why not run a quick run on 3rd and 1 with the quarter winding down? instead...run that clock.
That's why I don't think we were gonna run a play, that was a big draw off formation.
Forget the penalty, why are we running some sort of goofy wildcat play instead of just sneaking it? My guess is we weren't going to snap it at all.
Nice aggressive call, horrendous play call.
Lets not do their job for them by trying to run clock.
The Dropped Pass :D
Need to leave that baton in Lexington, nobody is into that anymore.
Hey how about another review? wanna see those stupid commercials again? here ya go
Whoah now...quick plays don't run clock...running clock is essential.
That was a good play, literally nobody on the sideline seem to give a crap. :eek:
He tackled the guy, they will always throw the flag for that.
Sad Trombone
Dumb penalty, ball was overthrown.
Must of been an explosive half time speech.
Not a promising start.
Other then A&M last year Napier's teams never seem to be into the game on the road.
Nope, laid back Billy.
No it's on Napier, he's getting paid 50 million dollars win or lose, so why the hell is the coaching so conservative and tight?!?