No way, the less plays the better, slow it down, run the clock, fans need time to get the bathroom and concessions :cool:
So you think USCe should have given Muschamp more time? :D
It might or might not work, not every coach is going to produce a winner even if they are given 10 years. Florida is patient, 4 years is enough...
Still going to be ultra conservative, that's who Napier is.
I think it was Muschamp who complained Growl tore up the field.
A RayGator game thread...accept no substitutes :cool:
19700 in the place for a playoff game, lowest ever, today not much better, guess the fans were smart not to waste their time. If the Marlins host...
Whoah now, going deep and bad things might happen, keep it short and conservative.
I think the game has passed guys like him by, the drill sergeant stuff will have everyone running for the portal.
UAB hired a high school coach? strange choice.
For those wondering, it's on the SEC network.
I think he's figured out he doesn't want a bigger job, wants to be at a school where 9 wins is cause for celebration, he turned down Auburn...
Always be a guy fired at the airport also they Looked like hot garbage vs Alabama so I doubt they win the west, who’s beating the tide twice?
I'm shocked that I still hear people still say "I'll tape that", when was the last time someone used a VCR to tape something? 1998?
That's what I don't get, he gets paid either way, why not go all out and try to set the world on fire instead of this ultra conservative nonsense.
Since 2000, A&M, Arkansas and Tennessee have had 8 head guys, MSU, Auburn and Vandy at 7. Some others, Colorado is at 11, UCLA and Washington at...
This idea that the boosters are coming to put their foot down and take over has been funny for 20 years now. Not the way it works at Florida,...
I wondered if he had any update today, turns out today he's all about UCF and their hilarious collapse vs Baylor.
Nah it's not, anyone who says "the big bull Gators are mad" is making stuff up, Napier, like the coaches before him, will get plenty of time,...
Dude's career is going down the drain stuck with those no name QB's.