This is the kind of thing that could lead to troops on the ground. 4-7 million metric tons of goods usually flow through there daily. It’s down to...
This stuff on immigration is just getting nuts. Like... how has the solution become violence? The GOP has become their own worst enemy on this....
please for all us out of touch ivory tower folk who live in castles surrounded by servants and big ideas…. what is normal?
LOL what are normal people?
Def cool - I appreciate the humor in the morning. Had a big ole belly laugh outta this. Thank you. I almost spilled my coffee.
Of course someone is defending a review of the dictionary and encyclopedia as something that totally makes sense... of course they are...
Calling other people hypersensitive... lol. That's really funny coming from you.
So far he’s been a nice enough guy and I’ve met some of his senior admin hires and they’ve been good people. The primary complaint from everyone,...
he’s a really nice guy. Well liked from his days in ifas. Idk what kind of provost he’s going to be. He’s been a very light touch interim. Not...
the “left”? What is that exactly? I’ve seen plenty of liberals in this thread happy to see her resign. Are they a part of “the left”?
really? Does anyone really care if some Uber elitist rich person at Harvard lost their job? Even the rest of higher Ed doesn’t like Harvard lol.
I’m confused did the op not read the second article?
I’ll accept that they don’t “cut” a lot. They choose to end funding, or change requirements, or change a tax to zero that funds something so in...
I mean… I just don’t see why cheap welfare programs are always on the gop chopping block. We spend literally billions per year to subsidize farms...
You can get a lot of food with $40 a month especially if you’re being smart about it. A loaf of wheat bread? As cheap as two dollars. 3.50 for a...
I don't think hitting them in Belgorod really matters - if they could put more damage on to Moscow that might be meaningful. But given the...
My family lives around there. I just visited. The good parts of town are still fine but the bad parts are baaaaaaaad. That’s the scuttlebutt...
Must have misread it sorry
It feels like the modern GOP politician is in a constant race to be seen as the meanest and least sympathetic person on earth. Meanwhile -...