Omfg we still have people that believe trump is somehow still playing 4d chess. Lol.
It’s amusing that so many thought he was a great candidate even as recently as a few months ago. Now republicans know what dems in Florida have...
arguing science with these people is a waste of time. I don’t even try anymore. They are so sure they’re right and everyone else is wrong they...
Nothing classy or respectful about this post lol. But thanks for sharing. It’s always important to rely on unhinged rants to stay informed!
What's so dumb about this stuff is it doesn't really help if Sasse can't build a functioning administration that has some kind of strategic...
I mean, politics aside in order to be Harvard-like you gotta bring in some elite researchers. Think top 10 players, five stars in football...
classic both parties defense. Try something else.
The revisionist bull shut by the Putin worshiper in a thread about former conservatives is hilarious.
Tell me you’ve been radicalized without telling me you’ve been radicalized. Happened to my father in law. Guy is completely off his rocker now...
The extreme right of the republican party has a LOT more power over the republican party than the extreme left does over the democrats. Saying...
you’re not one of them unless you support dear leader clearly. It’s sad. Doesn’t matter your other positions or who you voted for. Even if that...
I spit out my coffee. Thanks for that. Now I’m positive you’re trolling lololol. Good one.
Match Day 2023 a reminder of the real cause of the physician shortage: not enough residency positions It looks like there were about 20 thousand...
So I married a Hispanic woman who came here from elsewhere … and I’m white. So am I stealing their women or are they stealing our men? Plz let me...
There is so much out of touch with reality in your post I’m not sure where to start. It’s ironic because you think the US is going to fail because...
I hope you’re right really do. Lots of money interested that shipping route.
Just to be clear - I'm not saying we should - just saying if this shipping route continues to be interfered with - troops on the ground become...
Way more fun to argue there too lol.
I can support this. I wish I was there now.
lol sure sure. Tail between your legs and running off. I look forward to your next adolescent drive by.