So nuts. So so nuts.
I feel like a couple of right wing posters in this thread have rolled even more right recently and become even more unhinged. I wonder what set...
There are some posters here who obviously had their wives/husbands/girlfriends/boyfriends (and/or blow up dolls) stolen by liberals, because holy...
Well clearly more work ethic than this guy. He just took a 2 month vacation to go stand around in Texas for no reason. But I must thank him for...
You were probably voted most likely to shoot self in own ass in high school. I’m sure the feds are quaking in their boots. other less crazy...
Unfortunately he can’t ignore it anymore otherwise other states, Republican Democrat whatever, will use this same dumb types of excuses to ignore...
if they’re federalized some in Texas may quit but they aren’t going to just resist. It’s not 1861. I assume most don’t want to get in trouble over...
He’s referring to the difference in votes in the swing states and ignoring everything else.
I agree optics look bad to me. But I’m continually surprised by what people view as presidential. Could be a lot of people out there happy to...
Only thing I agree with here is Biden did back himself into a corner. So now his only options are bad options. Which is why a show of force is...
and you’re still missing the point. I used to think you were just trolling but I’m starting to think you actually believe the nonsense you post. I...
there is a broader issue here that seems to be whooshing right over your little ole radicalized head. But your continued sanctimony is noted. Also...
I almost feel like this is an outcome many on the right are hoping for. Maybe I’m wrong. Idk. I’ve lost the thread on this one.
that would be pretty radical. If trump did something like that we would lose our minds.
that is so bat shit. They torpedoed their own bill. Like in the open.
Lol ok I’m open to suggestions. Although I wouldn’t worry the bill looks dead.
I mean I totally hear what you are saying but that was then and this is now. Sometimes you have to take a step back and you don’t get what you...
pretty sure it’s hr2 being negotiated in the senate. hr2 senate - Google Search
I don’t envy the federal government here. You back down and you empower other states to ignore you. You uphold the law of the land and you could...
greatness is losing to Joe Biden by 7 million votes in the popular vote? You’re hilarious.