Right. It’s just so hard. So we’re back to the whole being the good guy is hard so eff it let’s just mow everyone down. fine. They deserve it...
No, but the US wouldn't be supporting Egypt to the same extent they are Israel if Hamas attacked them. And yes, the whole world would call for...
Israel could set up a safe zone for women and children. There could be food and water and shelter. Hell even if they separate out the men so they...
Let's be honest. There is not a viable solution. But short of exterminating them, there is no where else for the Palestinians to go. The lack of...
You have to hold the good guys to a higher standard. It makes what needs to be done harder, but if you don't then you aren't the good guys...
I think you're hitting on my underestimating the political fallout thing. It will certainly be interesting to see how it impacts all the things UF...
I mean, in this case, although I hate the outcome, his position is not unreasonable. Especially given how vindictive Tallahassee has been...
Being attacked by terrorists does NOT give you carte blanche to kill children in the thousands. IDGAF where you live in the world or what was done...
Nah, not that cut or dry. If they want to be barbaric themselves, fine - that's on them, but the US doesn't have to foot the bill. And let's be...
lol I’m queasy about tens of thousands of dead children and large percentages of wounded children with missing limbs. Eff me right? What Hamas...
Sasse has spoken several times about ufs duty to the state given the large appropriation we receive each year. We received a record amount last...
Im sorry - what you said about Russia is false. They have raped, tortured, kidnapped, and murdered. Yet Ukraine isn’t indiscriminately firing into...
Uh oh the kings and queens of frat land are upset (aka student government). Side note - student body prez is actually a member of the board of...
McNair Scholars Program - University of Florida McKnight Doctoral Fellowship - The Graduate School - University of Florida These programs cover...
admission is only part of the struggle. Retention and graduation are whole different issues. For all students but especially less fortunate and...
lol he doesn’t encounter people on campus much.
these are silly excuses. We have plenty of news from the area that corroborates indiscriminate bombing and killing. Further, the us military has...
We absolutely can and should hold Israel to a higher standard than Hamas lol. Seriously? Lol.
With Russians firing into Ukraine intentionally for two years they’ve only killed 2000 kids. But somehow Israel is in no way to blame at all in...
in 20 years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan 40,000 kids were killed depending on where you get your estimated. Israel is going to blow past...