Ah yes. FreedomEagle.Facebook. This is where it came from if anyone has seen me reference it. [ATTACH]
Wow. That's actually quite impressive.
Weird. I saw both of these on my FB timeline today. Sent the Kim K one to a buddy. Also, this one: [ATTACH]
That's what I think. I think it was purely symbolic, targeted at the flag.
We may differ on the religion threads, and I admit I can be harsh at times, but religion aside, I think your posts are level headed with thought...
I don' think quality replies are attacked and dismissed like the frequent low quality ones. I've seen so many go like this: [Member1] Here are...
Anyone follow Funker530 on YouTube? Be warned, some of the live shows show clips that are quite graphic. [MEDIA]
Thread title is 10/10
Honestly, he's the only guy I've ever seen do it. And by "seen do it," I mean I seent him do it over and over and over.
I was the first to call him out on it and he tried denying it. :emoji_face_palm: The use of "LMAO!!!" and "chit" were dead giveaways.
I remember the exodus. I went to the other board before it went private. Freakin yikes.
I really enjoy this board. I always enjoy listening to people who know what they are talking about, especially when I'm ignorant to the topic....
Fasten your seat belts [MEDIA]
I just looked at their FB page. No mention of Tucker getting the boot, but did mention Lemon getting the boot.