Here's a follow up on this attempted cover up. PCSO medic Doug Cullison and his amateur MMA fighter son, Nate Cullison, are accused of violently...
I remember this story from a few years ago and I'm glad it's being looked into. Crazy that I got a disagree bacon on there being a culture issue,...
This was my thought as well. Anyone hammered enough on alcohol only would be slurring and falling down if they were so drunk to not realize what...
The end where she's talking about making it to class is absolutely infuriating. I don't know if it's in the video, but she got sentenced to 14...
I'll buy a console if this game is awesome but isn't released on PC. Come at me, bros.
Chalk this one up to "Cost to Taxpayers" because all unmet quota penalties are paid for by the citizens.
Most everything in the OP in one video. Corruption, looking out for each other instead of doing what's right, living by a different set of rules,...
Most of the private prison contracts in America require states to keep at least 90% of prison beds filled or pay a penalty to private, for-profit...
It depends on what they are in jail for. Should someone be arrested for exercising their first amendment right to film the police acting in their...
Fun fact: Did you know an officer was killed the day before testifying in the Gun Trace Task Force trial? [MEDIA]
Maybe the issue is bad arrests, which happen all of the time. That's probably why they are hard to prosecute. If you think it's hard prosecuting...
This is bullshit. Cops get the benefit of the doubt, they get Qualified Immunity way too often, and have the backing of the DA in which they work...
Watch the unedited version of the East Cleveland Police and tell me what that has to do with school children. And hey, if it's too tough of a...
Right on time. If your that big of a puss that you can't do your job without tazing handcuffed people and stomping on the heads of complaint...
"Back the Blue Until it Happens to You" It's interesting seeing people, both online and people I've known, do 180's going from unwavering support...
Pueblo Police Department Police affiliate's son beats man to the point of hospitalization. Every cop on scene covers up a felonious assault. The...
East Cleveland Police Dept In March, 11 current and former officer were indicted for beating Americans, aggravated robbery, bribery, and theft....
I would like to open the eyes of some of the police apologetics out there. I've said before that police issues are systemic. They put themselves...