Except I'm not a leftist. But you know, you guys and those little fantasies that live in your head. Whatever helps the tiny brain sleep at night,...
It doesn't even go that deep. It's just childish snark. . . and a complete giveaway that they have ZERO to offer as a reply.
Anyone who matters already knew this. . . decades ago.
Yeah dude, nothing wrong with selling this stock high before we tell the investors about the Fed investigation that's going to hammer their...
Hate to break it to you, but MAGA is right there too. Nation has no . . . 's to give. It's also why your boy won the election. But keep convincing...
My Grandfather was a Seabee on Green Island in the Solomons. Not much action, but it did give a boy from Indiana a taste for tropical weather....
Amazing how things have changed. They're probably our No. 1 ally at this point, manufacturing firmly planted on our soil with more to come (if...
It's not semantics, it's a completely different system. Not one I'd advocate (reasons in previous post) for the US. Single-payer makes more sense...
And yet you're probably anti-union. I guess it works for you so . . . . everyone else? Is this your take?
Who do you think spends millions to make sure it stays that way? You know, on the likes of the fine Sen. Jim Clyburn for instance. Oh, my bad. I'm...
It's a little thing conservatives like to do to seemingly mock your posts (and/or things they don't understand). I view it as the white flag of...
Find me a single one who would trade systems. Don't bother. You can't. This is why Medicare (already public/private) expansion is 1000x more...
Oh, if some rando on Twatter posts it, it must be true. Especially if they have weird (see: "iconic") bleached hair.
IDK. I like Amazon. It's brought value to my life, and that's all I ask of my billionaires. Make something, create jobs, etc. as opposed to...
Mazda too.
THAT I would keep. That year is, IMO and others, peak BMW. I love mine, but just too much plastic. Just a year later too.
Mercedes still cares. . . I think. Lexus are tanks. There's an old one in NY neighborhood that still looks brand new.
I think it has more to do with the Southern Strategy to be honest.
Also, we'll have to agree to disagree on the styling. I think they've all gone downhill. If you gave me a new 3 series today it's on the market...
There's no such thing as long term anymore with German cars. They're plastic junk that falls apart starting at around 70K (when you should have...