True. But I'd send my kid to a Catholic school over a "Christian" school (I'm not even sure what that means) 100 times out of 100. Went to one...
IDK. That's the epitome of high ground. Unless you are absolutely sure they are 100% friendly, I don't know if I'd take the chance. I think that...
Go look up The Siege of Muenster if you want to see this in it's full glory. Or go listen to Dan Carlin's Profits of Doom. To quote Dan, ". . ....
The "reach" is strong with these people. What will they do without their Trans windmills to tilt against?
Works for Israel. That said, if I'm Israel there is NO WAY I'm ever giving up Golan. Strategically. Tactically. No way you can do that. They had...
Ah, if only he listened to "Alex", he'd be fully up to speed.
Pretty sure they're still rolling with that one. Once the FSB types seize upon a narrative, they lock on like a Pitbull.
Saw my share of that. If the parents only knew how embarrassed their kids are when they do that, or that the other kids make fun of them (or dad)...
This is such a sad sentiment. I spent 15-20 years covering local sports in a previous life. I've walked into hundreds of HS gyms and never once...
Dude, you're such a "lib".
I remember reading that we went through a phase during the turn of the 19th/20th Century where there was a political bombing, on average, every...
Why does it take "courage" to enact common sense laws?
Way to play their game against them. Well played.
10-4. Thanks for the explanation. That said, doesn't a post that stupid deserve some derision? And was my snark in this case (peanut gallery)...
That's fine, but on a macro scale, it's done. So we can justify each individual case - even Lewinski - but the result is the same. What was once...
You knew where it was going - nowhere - before the process even started. FWIW, it was already on life support at that point. That just drove the...
Then why not his? It was utterly irrelevant and all I did was make that point, in a snarky way. But still. . . Why are we protecting people from...
Bingo! Hit them on the turn in. . . . then convince them to roll the debt over into a new lease.
Wow. How are you going to square this with Native American virtue signaling?
Interesting how nobody has mentioned the UNC connection to his original Brady. . . LT. Wonder if he'll be involved in some aspect.