Explain how a procedure that improves the mental and physical well being is not healthcare. Start by defining healthcare. Explain how "cut off...
Since you seem so proud of your ignorance, I looked up the various types of sexual reassignment and gender affirming procedures: Male-to-Female...
I noticed you didn't answer any of my questions. Are you someone who cannot have a dispassionate dialog?
August trial date is surprising [MEDIA]
I don't want to live in your world where peaceful conflict resolution is not promoted by civil authorities.
Answer a simple question: Does sexual reassignment surgeries benefit the patients, on the whole? Show us how more ignorant and cruel you can be.
Agreed. In addition, all cops in Kentucky are not KKK members.
The link is behind a paywall. Did it really say the police officers are KKK?
I'm not sure this UK issue serves as a condemnation of a nationalized healthcare system as shown by other countries without this particular...
You are so relentlessly full of crap. It should be obvious to any reasonable adult that one should be treated based on the crimes committed and...
I agree trump would not have been indicted for taking the docs if he had returned them all upon initial request (or even the subpoena). He gets...
Then why do make garbage claims like the one below without evidence? Do you think that's proper conduct when debating?
It's fiction. If I present a movie clip of three unrelated things occurring, do we tie? Good grief. Do you have any evidence that Hillary...
When presented facts, you always turn to a factless response. Like guilt by insinuation. Ick. If you have evidence that Hillary directed those...
@ajoseph - were you saying it's only the lying that is an issue with trump's conduct, and not also the failure to secure, return or keep the docs...
Nope. He said the lying is the "most egregious conduct". That does not mean the failure to return the docs upon request is not also a crime....