Since you have no factual evidence that transgendered parents are harmful to children and you insist on being prejudiced, are you okay with us...
It is not only passive aggressive, it is illogical. To paraphrase: "Finding young hard working highly motivated employees is like finding a...
He was indicted and arrested for violating the Espionage Act. Perhaps that's what you are thinking about. I don't recall him mentioning actual...
Post #3 was in response to my question as to why he posted #1. I'm not sure how his motivation can be made any clearer.
Any evidence that a transgendered person's presence is harmful to children any more than a cisgendered? Please provide it. If you can't, you are...
Given the OP's history, do you believe it was introduced as a "feel good story"? On a politics board? When asked why he shared it, he even...
So your position is based on ignorance and not hatred. This may help you: Transgender Pregnancy: Moving Past Misconceptions I stand corrected....
"Some might assume that toddlers and young children may not be strong enough to pull a trigger, but that is not the case, experts said. At least...
Might be true this year, but funny nonetheless. [MEDIA]
Demonstrate the basis for your commentary. Even better, defend the OP's feel good story as conveyance that "Finding young hard working highly...
Those are some conflicting goals. Lunacy.
I didn't have city and cypress debating the merits of Waterworld on my Saturday bingo card. Please continue :p
Why? It's a fact that transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals can give birth and may choose to breastfeed or feed their child at the...
How is health guidance considered 'fascination'?
Ah... a series of statements without any evidence to support them. Empty. a. Compare and contrast the DC bar against other large metropolitan...
Good post. I appreciate it when a studio doesn't yield to China's censorship. I also understand when studios do. The movie industry a...
@AgingGator cannot even defend his statements to direct challenges. I'm not surprised you fall in line with him. Maybe you want to defend his...
If it was plain and simple, it wouldn't be an issue, right? If we did a retrospective analysis of adults that had affirming care as minors and...
I couldn't believe the GOP didn't have issues with the movie so I googled it. Sure enough... I might have to see it now. ;)