Tough to say, will there be porn stars in Milwaukee? And Cory Lewandowski? Oh....that's not what you mean.
We've all gotta admit - the show is hilarious. Sad, maybe, that the consequences are real and the stakes so high, but....what can one do? We've...
LOL, you mean this - to keep the government open? Silly colors and fonts don't make up for spreading mistruths. If they did, don't you think...
Stop lying. The Biden Administration recently proposed an additional $1.9 trillion in federal spending to address the ongoing pandemic..... The...
I fixed your quote for you. Please be accurate when you talk about spending. You're welcome. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic...
Trump did less on the border than the recent proposed legislation would have done, which he instructed his minions to sink. Anybody that thinks...
This is very concerning.
That would certainly be ONE WAY to rationalize working for an administration led by a person who has clearly demonstrated a total disregard for...
I found a picture of Nikki Haley online....[ATTACH]
Even though she's rilly rilly dumb and has a bird brain? Weird. Only the best..... Also, can you imagine hearing that vile, adulterous POS...
And yet it is far, far superior to enduring legislation proposed by Trump and his GOP Congress that controlled both houses for two years....
Sir, the '90s called and they want their talking points back.
They're very elite. Possibly communist.
Totally!! Fauci didn't even want to tell us about those awesome covid cures like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin! At least Trump told us the...
So this is a Hunter Biden thread? I wonder if we'll see a mass of Democratic politicians, including their leadership, shutting down the Congress...
Ya, these posts have so much to do with me. Good comeback there. In a flailing, inept sort of way.
You must have been so proud to see the leaders of your "political party" show up en masse in NYC to support their criminal leader at his hush...
Ah yes. Roughly half of the American public's embrace of fake news, lack of information, and a lying criminal con man is actually because.........
Actually, you pretty much look foolish for trying to compare those things, since you bring it up....since comments made a single time during a...
Those people were invited in.