You have to understand; there is simply NOTHING that they could have done differently (besides kill 35,000+ civilians, mostly women nd children...
The Trump family gave up everything. After the draft, Donald even gave up his bone spurs.
Guy said "Human Scum."
And I'll keep saying this until I get an answer that I actually like!!!! Meanwhile, though - your answer has already been provided.
That reply earned a solid score for snark. Much less so for facts or as a rebuttal. I think I made clear numerous differences between the two...
Ukraine is fighting against a nation with a defined military that can be effectively fought against without a huge amount of Ukraine-caused...
So Israel's strategy, which has resulted in the death of 10s of thousands of women and children, isn't really working? Would it also be fair to...
Some would say that this amount of wanton civilian death is unacceptable, but we have to remember that Israel has an amazing plan for a lasting...
May I respectfully point out your mistake here, sir? You're responding a poster rationally who doesn't just eschew rational discourse, they...
And I'll keep asking until someone tells me the answer that I want to hear, not a rational answer that I don't want to hear!!! SO tell me! Tell...
No, this line of discussion has been on Trumpflation but you changed the subject. I addressed what occurred with the deficit-fueled, inflationary...
No way. I haven't seen you doing more than spinning what you want to be truths when they are not for the old man criminal rapist who sadly once...
Oh.....I dunno.....maybe that would mean casting a vote for a school board member or local politician who could have a direct impact on that...
One day, when you can take a break from spamming this forum with falsehoods, it might improve your knowledge of economics to research how some...
Cool, cuz I'm not going to look. But maybe you can direct us to Trump's inflationary fiscal stimulus -deficit-fueled tax cuts- in an already...
To be fair, some people like supporting a criminal and a criminal organization. To them, that might very well BE a good reason.
Meh. Biden's policies probably increased inflation some. About the same as Trumps, probably. Neither of which was probably the sole or largest...
He gets my vote for Head Troll. You can be Vice.
I wonder if they even read something like the post you quoted. Or if they're just like "I don't need any of them dang......FACTS!"
To be fair, you're asking a message board poster to have answers that the government of Israel doesn't have themselves. Killing 35,000+ civilians...