You've been asked to explain your claim that Marchan is railroading Trump. Do you have any evidence of that you can substantiate your claim with?...
This is some of the least effective shilling for the make-up wearing criminal that I have ever seen. Please do better, for the rest of us.
Uh, I think a justice on the USSC, or any spouse really, might have an interest in having members of his family not take actions that would...
No, there is no limit to the amount of reduction you should perform. So keep going, please.
I don't think his suggestions need to be taken as strict limits.
It's great to see Trump supporters are really anti-crime again!!! * * Now do the conspiracy to overturn an election by your political leader,...
Things like this would probably happen less if Trumppublicans didn't make it so easy for anyone with a pulse to get a firearm without legitimate...
Recalling Eric Trump shilling for dad outside that courthouse. Trying not to laugh. Eric : "Our family gave up everything so my dad could serve...
Oh no, because of this the Trumpies believe that crazy conspiracy nonsense that Biden is behind all these indictments, felony charges and trials...
Precisely. The only way to semi-successfully play that (politically) was to make it personally transactional like Trump did (always does) :...
Must respectfully disagree on the last part. Biden is doing OK. Pretty good on Ukraine, too much spending but some decent legislation. Minimal...
Your heartfelt lament of "child like responses" makes me weep inside. But fortunately people like you are strongly standing up for virtue in...
Isn't that way too many paragraphs? Can't we delete this poster because of that? I mean thread.
In this thread Trumppublicans dislike lies and foul mouths. Who knew?!
Why do you love war criminals, sport? Do you just love it when women and children get killed? Sad.
Whatever you say, Sport. Keep parroting the sentiment of war criminals. You're advocating killing women and children. Why do you like killing...
This makes me sad for you. It's not fair. You're a victim.
LOL, you support a guy who said all this, who just stood in front of people and told one absurd lie after another. :) This isn't some old dude...
I disagree. I think we can never ignore some people's tolerance of a vile criminal traitor who not only repeatedly denigrated our soldiers and...
I love that you chime in on things you know nothing about, Sport. Such as where these numbers come from. Now go take a lap, Skippy. Then get...