You don't know for certain anyone will be healthy, that doesn't give you the right to kill them. This is so stupid.
What if you knew for certain the person would be healthy and awake in 9 months if you just don't do anything? Pulling someone off life support is...
The women and children dying Gaza are not dying because they're "inconvenient," they're dying because Hamas poses an existential threat to Israeli...
No, I'm saying business people continuing to be business people after they enter the political sphere does not resemble corruption in any way...
Receiving benefits before and after entering politics as business people does not create the same appearance of impropriety as a deadbeat crack...
They were in business before Donald was ever in politics and it doesn't make me quite as skeptical when these same people aren't deadbeat crack...
There probably was here too, we just don't know exactly what it was. I don't believe the Chinese were giving the Bidens money because they're...
So I guess what you're trying to say is... "there was no quid pro quo." [img]
But that comes from politicians and social elites telling us that it’s true, so it’s completely different from religion. Just trust me.;) The...
If you don’t think killing innocent human life over sheer convenience is evil, what is? But your cutoff is imposing your personal beliefs on...
Okay, at what point does it become a human life exactly and why? You can call it pathetic all you want. That seems to be your MO over actually...
So, it is evil? You are imposing your belief on anyone who wants to get an abortion or kill their child post viability. The only difference...
You don't think ending innocent human life out of sheer convenience is evil? I'm assuming you draw the line somewhere, perhaps a place like...
No, it's not silly. It simply leads you to an inconvenient conclusion, a moral dilemma you don't want to be confronted with because it takes you...
So in a hypothetical world where only one person can care for a child, if that person is incapable, murdering the child is justified? Also, can't...
Not in any relevant way that justifies convenience-based abortion.
I'd pick boy, but I think most people would pick their own gender just because that's all they know. I like being a dude. lol. And I'd rather not...
It comes down to how you value the looks factor for women. It certainly comes with its baggage, but from the point of view of a man, I think the...
Thank you. Texas has its own laws that make it even more difficult than your typical Republican strongholds including Florida. But I'm...
Genuinely curious: How is this pregnancy *allegedly* threatening her then?