No, nor will I try to. But there's a whole lot between "no effect" and the "entire effect." You have to do the craziest mental gymnastics to...
Prove causation. I already showed you maternal mortality went up 136% between 1990 and 2014, all within the framework of Roe.
This article is from 2014. Unlike in most other countries, U.S. maternal deaths are on the rise | MinnPost "It is still safer to become pregnant...
Prove that the increase in 10 per 100,000 is entirely on Dobbs. You're arguing that every single person who wants an abortion is continuing to...
Seems like I'm living rent free in your head.:D
It was, it was a critique to the notion that pregnancy mortality is skyrocketing thanks to the necessity for black market abortions. The point I...
My point is that a number like that ISN'T accurate. Is that entire increase from people who are now denied abortions? Sure, abortion...
You cannot have it both ways. You can't on one hand say that everyone who would've had an abortion pre-Dobbs can still have an abortion and...
No. Neither is entitled to kill the other. Does the mother have more rights than the fetus just because the fetus is forcibly confined to the...
What exactly do you mean by this? Can I waive my fist around anywhere regardless of who I hit in the process? Yes, I would resent that. If...
Well, what do you propose we do? We assume any accusation of rape is correct in the interest of abortion? If we were to do that, get ready for...
Already settled law and SCOTUS got it right in Dobbs. "Remain pregnant against her will." Does the fact that I'm legally prohibited from...
Okay. On principle I disagree with it, but it's not a crazy compromise considering that I don't think abortion is a winning issue for Republicans....
I would argue the 6 week line doesn't grant enough time for the following argument, but let's say a line for abortion is 15 weeks. That itself is...
No, you implement exceptions for statistical outliers, you don't frame the whole policy conversation around them. That would be stupid. No, they...
That speaks to the evil and/or stupidity of the world and the UN, more than it speaks to the legitimacy of a ceasefire.
Lead by example and get off Too Hot.
No they matter, but you're using a dishonest tactic abortion advocates typically like to use by focusing on the most sympathetic circumstances...