The federal government also sets financial aid policy, administers federal funds, and monitors the use of those funds. Do you think a statute...
And based on your awfully broad view of the role of the federal government, I don't believe you.
Why do they need to do either of those things to "control" what local governments are doing? You know, the issue gator_lawyer and I are discussing.
Completely agree. We agree on that idea, but many of us disagree on how that looks in practice. Evolution is a good case as to why neutrality is...
Why do you hate federalism, yet are a champion of "local control" which in this case is really a euphemism for administrative and bureaucratic...
Great question. By not favoring any religion over another, by not favoring religion over atheism, and by not favoring atheism over religion....
Yes, I do. Just like I believe in state control, however, if the federal government passes a law within their Constitutional authority...
No I believe in local control. I just believe that the state has the authority to implement laws in its own state, and that authority under the...
I actually agree with this, but I don't think that's what Contra is saying. Progressive activists on the other hand are bending over backwards to...
You missed one big step. The school board answers to state law which is set by the Florida Legislature. Also, we've alluded to this point already...
I'll do whatever I want.
Dangolegators reading a book? [img]
I have a pretty simple rule, while I think throwing my own questions back in my face is generally fair game, I expect my question to be answered...