If you're not going to do anything about it, it really is what it is though. Being wound up all tight and trying to come up with solutions you'll...
Lucky me, I almost never click links.
Maybe if you guys merge a few more threads, you can inflate it enough to hit your goal.
Is 12-1, 10-3, 6-4 really the trajectory of a “winner”?
I thought you were referring to other websites, not other boards within this forum. This site is very tame compared to some others. On this...
Not likely.
I agree with you. careful now, the world might stop turning on its axis if we keep this up.
This forum is very tame compared to others. It’s been this way for a while in life. There’s an equal amount of vitriol spewed in both directions.
Des might eat him.
Well, maybe just a little different.
He doesn’t deserve to be mentioned here. [IMG] *guess threads were merged?
His play book is not one size fits all. The part that makes it work is him.
Everyone thinks they have the answers and the quick fix. When are you going to implement your strategy?
I know a guy who lives in the same city as Desantis. Pretty sure that means we’re getting tickets to Disney World.
Money makes the world go round.
Medical and regular are two different things. A medical would mean you’ve already been on campus for 5 years and already burned the redshirt you...
Think their spring training park is nearby. Other teams will likely throw fits about playing in a tiny park though.
Milton caused no real disruptions that I know of. Helene made a mess, but we’ve had no issues getting anything. I was able to buy gas and food...
They still sell gas and food here.
He looked primed for a takeover twice, only to get injured during the following week of practice both times. The third time, he made it happen.