This. We're also about to enact a deficit-funded reduction in the corporate tax rate. It's pretty amazing how easy Americans are to con. Good...
MAGA members are far less likely to get malaria or horse worms though. So at least there's that.
Yup, covid caused the government to need to spend. And Deficit Don had started jacking up deficit spending years before covid - and in a strong...
WOW!! The biggest deficit is 2021 - a Trump budget. Actually, that's no surprise. We've known about the spending of Deficit Don for quite a...
When the nominee is entirely and grotesquely unqualified, yes. To say nothing of the nominee having a character so vile and unacceptable as to...
Trumpy Joni announces that she won't do her job.... Sen. Ernst says she will support Hegseth, increasing his likelihood of confirmation to be...
Another takeaway from this hearing is that any wishful thinking that Trumppublican Senators would do their jobs, and vet candidates for their...
This article is a must read, just because it sheds a lot of light on precisely how vile and unqualified this guy is to be SecDef. I'm not even...
Tbh, I don't really know that many people's gender here. I haven't spent as much time worrying about it, or what they do in their bedrooms, as...
Really really important stuff here. Good thing the Big Gov Trumpies are stepping in to make sure local folks can't handle it.
Hahahahahahah - I get it!!! You're telling a really really funny joke by implying that WGB is menstruating....even though we all are pretty sure...
You live in a red state?
No doubt. It's been pretty clear to me that I can now solely use the moniker "Donald the Rapist" when referring to a certain sex criminal felon...
Indeed. It's not an honest claim at all. What does that make it?
PMSDNC is so funny. And witty. Hahahaha. Hahahahaha. I think that anyone who makes such really really funny jokes should have some kind of...
This report just confirms what we've known for quite some time : Donald Trump is a traitor to the United States. But our voters don't mind, as...
Hey, Tommy Tuberville is weighing in. And he's really smart!!! “If you go to California, you run into a lot of Republicans, a lot of good...
Yes, that. Also -and this may just be opinion, I'm really not sure- I was thinking that it would be TOTALLY HYPOCRITICAL for someone to create...
Is this the count down until a traitor felon is inaugurated? You're excited about that? Jeez, man....seeing that, one would think you'd get all...
Hey, OP, I see how much you hate crime. Just wanted to let you know that there's a thread on a Special Prosecutor who stated clearly that the...