It's pretty weird that you still try to deceive people as to the strength of the economy in 2022. Do you think that people don't have access to...
This. Trump will definitely accomplish all the things he promised lied about but failed to do the first time. I really really REALLY have...
Or at least keep in mind which issues not to be distracted by, such that you'll vote for a felon and sexual assaulter. Or the ONLY President in...
Well done. But I'm a pretty good example of the general populace. It just doesn't affect most of us. A single bit. Now this super duper...
.....In return, Cuba announced it would release 553 prisoners....... Cheapest "ransom" payment ever. Biden got 553 prisoners released for the...
Say what ?! How is this "sabotaging" Trump in any way shape or form?
^ So what you're saying is that Trump nobody can prove those repeated lies about fake election fraud, but now it's time to forget that that ever...
Nothing wrong with that. Your party nominated a sexual assaulter felon, who also is the only POTUS in US history to attempt to not peacefully...
Lol, clever. You're basically explaining how she could accommodated Trump's obvious lies without technically repeating them and lying...
America will get what it deserves. Sadly, as an entire populace, we won't even have an awareness of what is happening. Hell, we just elected a...
Is ignorance really bliss or just the love for Trump makes you so blind? Trump voluntarily began his trend-reversing deficit spending in a strong...
Looks like massive deficits during, and for a few years after, two major crises. During Obama's last 4 years we saw significant deficit...
It's a tough situation for her to be in when she's applying to work for a criminal but really doesn't want to admit that he's such. Doesn't want...
LOL. Meh, Biden's approval ratings are dragged down by inflation that neither he, nor any President, could have controlled to a much greater...
And there you go again - you just can't help saying things that are simply not true. Specifically; some would argue that the economy prior to the...
One who didn't know anything, and thought they could deceive people who do know something.....could argue that. But Trump's final rating wasn't...
It's fun to watch you guys defend a sycophant lying for her (your) criminal.
LOL. They're both obviously deficit spenders. But deficit spending post-covid in a fragile economy (to say the least) is obviously quite...
Who do you think you're lying to? You posted spending by Deficit Don. Not his deficits. :)
They're both deficit spenders. And one did it in a healthy, growing, inherited economy. One did it in a post-covid disaster of an economy that,...