Cut most of them. Are you a conservative or not?
So you and bluke are socialist? It has nothing to do with who you would rather give the money to. I didn't say stop subsidies and give money to...
So if you like the person, wealth distribution is OK? Do you think small farmers are getting the bulk of those subsidies?
Hmmm, got the random disagree from Bluke with no context. Why would a supposed conservative be happy with the wealth redistribution known as...
I used to listen to NPR on the drive into work, I always thought that programming was pretty good. Sometimes a little biased but they also had...
And we are talking Celsius.
Kind of a sad way to go thru life. Seems like being that petty and tribal would eat away at you after a while.
So. Looking over the first page of the thread, the same person disliked, disagreed, or gave a c'mon man to some of the most random posts. The...
I've never seen Trump and articulate in the same sentence.
Sorry, been busy. Usually I just ignore your posts, what am I too weak to challenge you directly about? What type of challenge? Physical?...
Trying not to take a swing at that softball.
Funny, I was always the investment guy in our house. I taught my wife some, both boys picked up a bunch and are steady investors. That being...
Talking to my oldest today, he is a hard core quant guy and was able to short DJT. He seems pretty happy.
Standing by so see how the MAGA nation tries to discredit this news. Always find it amusing that the Make America Great Again crowd get so pissed...
I'm guessing this will throw more uncertainty into possible interest rate cuts but good news nonetheless.
OP put up some well thought out points. Whether you agree with them or not, you post a meme of an 80 year old falling on a bike. And no, you...
Back to the national debt. Could be better if we killed all meat and dairy subsidies. I'm in.
Could see another huge spike in egg prices as avian flu continues to force producers to cull their flocks in massive numbers (almost 2 million in...
I wreck at least once a month on my mtb. Sometimes on black diamond stuff, sometimes at the most embarrassing times (dropping seat as I'm coasting...
Interesting. I drive thru Commerce quite a bit.