Damn!!! Time for RINO accusations back at Gonzales? Worse?
So I was right. OP was lying and/or needed attention. Or poss dense enough to fork over 2x the price for the hell of it.
You think the op lives somewhere that the QP is $10 or that he is lying? I would guess he is lying, but can't be sure because I'm an adult and...
I feel bad for the nut jobs, who would have ever suspected Trump would turn on someone? I'm shocked!
If these are Russian plants, Russia needs to do a better job screening out the stupid. If you ignore his/their posts, the whole board is...
Yeah. I am guessing he is either lying, he lives in a ridiculously expensive area, he needs attention or a combo of one and three.
Glad I'm not the only one that does that. Sometimes when I do google it, the word still doesn't seem right. Weird.
Yeah, and then I use vpn and clear browser history.
Her official FB page is taking a beating, it's hilarious. Not sure it's enough to lose the meth head bloc that helped get her into office, we...
The use of sea drones on high value Russian warships has been interesting. Also makes me happy.
The Pravda tears flowing here and in Moscow should make all Americans happy.
Well we prop up many of the red states now. At least Ukraine has some skin in the game.
Lots of extra vodka tonight for some people on this forum.
I don't watch tv except Netflix or plex (except while traveling). I would suggest you hit up animal planet or nat geo if you think that is a parrot.
Yeah, ignoring the morons makes this thread much more interesting. Also, why are you awake?
"Pulling out"?
Why? Either ignorance, trolling or propaganda. I gave up on the Pravda pigeons. They need to let the adults talk.
I laughed way too hard at that.
One of personalities seems like it's about to have a stroke in his last post.
Pretty stupid thread and I'm slightly hesitant to chip in but does everyone pay taxes that go to schools? In GA, I believe that comes from...