Christianity is what matters. All the other stuff different denominations add in is fluff and ripe for discord.
Most of Publix bagged apples go on sale for bogo. I buy bagged apples because they are smaller and are great for snacking. Just have to wait to...
Good news today with interest rates staying the same. The fed likes where the economy is at.
I like to go into a crowd look up and point. Pretty soon lots of other people are doing it too. The toughest crowd are the elevator riders. I...
I don’t do either. Just don’t care much any more.
You may be right. The info comes from a Nole who has been honest from past posts. I hope he’s wrong.
Haven’t got very far into this thread but wanted to ask you how you know that UF has more NIL money than FSU? I read theirs is at 27 million....
Just read that FSU’s NIL is at 27 million. It’s on mud lizards site which is free to read. Don’t know if it’s true just that if so FSU will not...
The fed meets at 2:30 today to consider or announce interests rate changes, if any. Inflation will determine Powell’s decision.
I am excite
Y’all are a hoot. Lol
I grew up with blacks starting at age 5 when we moved out of the city to the Keystone/Odessa area. I witnessed it myself. That was 1958. Never...
My wife witnessed what she thinks was racism yesterday when leaving Walmart. An elderly AA woman with 4 children had her receipt checked as she...
Wah, wah, wah.
Good idea. Get em out of the hands of criminals and into the hands of law abiding American citizens. Hopefully at a lesser cost.
Not really unless my wife brings out the honey do list then I’ll tell her about wanting to watch all the bowl games. (I fish therefor I lie)
Those are idiots if they thought that. Can’t fix stupid.
He’s another ammo and gun centric person to some here. I’d like to know his scores as it looks pretty good in the video. Those timed courses are...
If me wanting the EC and 2nd amendment to stay as it is makes me ignorant then I’m super ignorant. Not going to change my mind.