Ah yes: The mysterious “reports”. Me thinks you are full of beans, msa3.
If you read the posts and reply’s on this site with any degree of regularity you would know Wanne 15 watches football regularly and is a...
When does he own it? I think He’s owned it more than he should have. I heard “ that’s on me” and “we have to coach better “ ad nauseam. Where do...
I think you confuse “blind loyalty” with full support. A lot of us, myself included, see constant negativity towards CBN and his staff as counter...
Thank you TrueGator.
Thank you your thoughtful and civil response, msa3. There may not have been a huge disparity in talent level; although our team looked slow to me...
At what point do the nit-pickers and naysayers come to terms with the reality that Napier was handed a team, and I use that term loosely, that was...
Thank you antny1. Most everyone on this site regards skipping class as a forgivable sin. Not going to class or taking exams for nearly an entire...
I’m glad your your brother-in-in-law and his son had a good experience with Deion. I’m sure it made a great day and lasting memory for all of...
Hope Stetson can prove his critics wrong.
First I’ve heard of that, but if that’s the case I think it’s terrible it was allowed. Is there some documentation of this Tito?
When you get it figured out you will feel much better.
I reiterate what my last post stated, Tito: I don’t hold not going to class against him. Not being an FSU student but, representing yourself as...
You have a very distorted view of reality, in my opinion of course. I would actually be amused at Dions antics if it weren’t for his position as...
Anyone who thinks Sanders is a “pretty good dude”, should check out the Deion Sanders Rule. He didn’t think it necessary to actually attend...
Yes, yes, yes. Thank you tommyvee. Very informative piece.
I have searched everywhere and everyone who may have run it or wrote it and so far I haven’t found it yet. I remember this player wrote us off...
Very similar to our courtship. Met October1972, 1st date Oct 17, proposed January 17th 1973 Married March 17, 1973. We call 17 our lucky number....
I didn’t realize I was making excuses for Miller. Just trying to identify what happened as I saw it. AR has never done anything to embarrass UF...
This past St Patrick’s Day was 50 years for me and my lovely wife. I thank my lucky stars every day for her. I knew the first moment I saw her and...