Better than I thought but, not impressive. Embarrassing losses and some of the wins against teams that should have been easy wins were damn close...
l’m developing a strong dislike for Missouri. They beat us more than they should and that’s on us. They seldom represent the SEC well out of...
I agree with you, basically. But I still think an easy game or even two is not a bad thing if strategically placed on the schedule: which ours are...
I would never throw bacon at you, 96gatorcise. I will, however agree to disagree. That’s what Gators should do.
14 great games with little to no chance to reward players who have practiced all year with a game they can get some playing time in the swamp....
I’m not sure a conference covering as much territory as the Big Ten now encompasses is going to work. I know that TV money is the engine that’s...
Now that looks like a FOOTBALLER! Is that Jack Pyburn?
I think our discipline will improve but, of course, we will have to wait and see. Old habits die hard and the roster last year was heavy with...
I feel like our team is going to be somewhat deeper and more talented this year. I also think the attitude will be better. What concerns me is we...
Rick Caseres, Buford Long, J. Pappa Hall. You can throw Doug Dickey in there at QB. I remember my Grandfather listening on the radio and my Dad...
Family first. Prayers and best wishes moving forward.
He is most likely receiving top notch medical care and that’s the best you can hope for at this stage. Hope he has a favorable outcome.
That’s heartwarming and I’m sure there are still students like your niece at UF. She sounds like my idea of a model student and person. But I’m...
I never was able to embrace the Bucs even though I’m a 5th generation Floridian and grew up only 60 miles north of Tampa. Even though SOS was the...
Unfortunately, you are spot on, g8rrick.
That loss still stings when I think about it. Always hard to blame one player with a loss but, that was a hard fought game that we would have won,...
Yes, Claygator, I should have said what he was accused of rather than what he did. I don’t know, and probably never will, know the details. In...
You are usually a voice of reason, malscott. But in this case I think you are off base. I feel bad for Kitna and hope he can get his life on track...
This is the point I was trying to make when I posted 5* recruits aren’t always 5* human beings. And at some point it poisons the culture. That was...