Nice article. Thanks for posting.
There was a Hispanic comedian performing at Gator Growl years ago that was very funny. Had the crowd in stitches, including me. I think it was...
I do that too Skink. I feel much empathy for all of our wildlife now. The time frame I’m referring to is the 1950’s and I was pretty insensitive...
Yes, the conversation did get off topic scooterp. But listening to these fellow crackers post about eating gar, mud fish and saltwater catfish...
As a youngster growing up I would walk a mile or less too an old phosphate pit and catch “butter catfish”. Don’t know why we called them that...
I’m afraid integrity and honesty are not valued much these days. Jalen Carter can break the law, lie and then be incredibly arrogant and he gets a...
You seem enamored with experience, especially NFL experience. The Arizona Cardinals thought enough of Patrick Toney to hire him as their DB coach...
Kind of surprised you refer to our coach as “Sunbelt Billy”. I’ve heard him called that by Gator Haters and Georgia trolls but never by Gator...
Norvell doesn’t exactly strike fear in my heart. FSU had one of those years where a lot went right for them. If I’m not mistaken Syracuse went to...
Oh yes: And that too!
The Stoops brothers are solid football coaches. I believe Mark has done well at UK and that success has been achieved through hard work and a...