Exactly this I try not to use pronouns when talking to someone. If I need their attention I use their name if I know it if I don’t I use something...
Do you not get that two sets of rules is not in any way American in theory?
Not sure he has any collateral. His valuations were found to be fraudulent.
And trump exudes competence? The only person I think Biden beats in an election is trump.
I read somewhere no one will be able to give him a bond. So he will have to post nearly half a billion for both trials and he may not have it.
If you say so, I am skeptical but I usually am.
So you have never seen how cops treat black people driving. I am a nearly 60 year old white man. I get some intimidation but mostly respect. Black...
Have you ever been a passenger in a car driven by a black person?
Interesting point. This actually caused me to think my first objection is that cops make many many more bad choices that don’t result in the death...
One of the cops involved has resigned the other is still employed. I would be okay with the two of them being banned from policing and owning a...
I am no fan of hers but she was elected by a majority in her district. There are many diverse opinions in this nation of ours.
I have never been a fan of tlaib. Hamas isn’t even trying to take the moral high ground.
I bought Joe a beer at cjs after a game.
Moten Maxwell and Montgomery. lol or was Moten already gone.
Your memory is faulty. The race was called after all the polls had closed nationwide. It was called approximately at 11 pm. Trump tried to call it...
I have spent time in Moscow about 20 years ago. There are beautiful things like saint Basel’s Cathedral and the kremlin. But the modern building...
I got a 35. I think I took it before and scored higher but am not sure.
The salton sea in California already is a toxic waste dump and has enough rare earth elements to provide our needs for a hundred years.
All of my reading is that batteries are better than refining and using gasoline. It is a really interesting question though. I have no expertise...
Which one is big brother?