Don’t only roughly half of fertilized eggs implant and develop normally? I was told this by someone I respect but have never tried to verify.
It’s like a skit from Monty Python.
I have no idea about the area but the anti vax thing has been going on for a long time. The stupid people just being stupid. Right now it’s the...
The first antivaxxers were the educated rich liberals. It’s only with Covid did antivax become a trumpist stupid idea.
I imagine our Russian trolls will be silent on this but I will never know. lol
Don’t think he was a stand up. He was just an idiot who grunted. He was popular for his 14 minutes.
I have always been impressed by the intelligence of stand up comics. Some have been crazy, some have been drug addict but none of them have been...
So keeping two sets of books makes him smart? I just don’t know how to respond to this. Setting up to commit fraud makes you smart?
There was one (shopping cart escalator)in the goodings grocery store on 434 in altamonte in the 80s.
Not only this but I think only old slow people answer their phones. The polling for Santos’s seat was close to tied. How much did the dem win by?...
One of my college roommates girlfriends used to say how Morrissey was a lyrical genius. I would quote this to her to say he was no Bob Dylan.
I thought about posting something similar but decided not to because I don’t want to get jinxed.
Putin has been in charge for 25 years. I think you are giving the Russians too much credit. They have a breaking point the question is how close...
A some girls mothers are bigger than other girls mothers.
That’s what they have now. People are aborting female babies because they want sons.
Not sure which thread to put it in but I have been a registered Republican in Florida since I moved back to Florida in 2001. I just got my...
I think Haley would be a better choice than trump and Biden except for I think we need more democratic appointed Supreme Court justices.
No one here gets out alive. All we can do is prolong the inevitable. Stopping smoking would most likely delay the end.
This is being done because solar is cheaper by far than burning fossil fuels. Storage has been the bugaboo because solar doesn’t produce much at...
I wonder if any of this new capacity will be used to retire coal plants?