Nothing we do on the internet is truly private. Republicans should try to remember that voting is private. This way you can vote for people who...
There was a weird tax advantage to moving companies overseas. Bud basically bought InBev and made to corporate headquarters out of the country. A...
If there is a slot I would like to play.
He also taught Econ 2101 I think. It’s been decades. 2151 maybe my mind is fuzzy.
Or any charisma at all. lol
I think it’s like pornography. I don’t know how to define it but I know it when I see (or hear) it.
I get that we drink alcohol privately and harm no one but ourselves. I think drunk driving is where a private activity becomes a public concern.
Surgeon general has been against cigarettes for decades. I got it now they are going to triple the alcohol taxes.
Gotta quote the song.
To mean it means half the people who vote thought dad and his son are doing gods work.
The sheriff’s son is now the sheriff in lake county. Don’t know if he is a murdering scumbag but his dad sure was.
Couldn’t both trump and his MAGAts all be idiots?
Because of the racial animus.
Which one was first?
It’s way to early to be projecting next years team. We have no idea who will remain and who will transfer in. In TG we trust.
So using your numbers cops commit 1 percent of the murders.
So what is the acceptable number of police killings of innocent people?
Warren Buffet one of the ten richest people in the world pays a lesser percentage of taxes than his secretary does. He supports taxing the rich more.
So we couldn’t just not tax the first hundred thousand of capital gains. The real place ai will impact is on collecting taxes from everyone.