Didn’t Merck make one of the vaccines? So using the dimwitteds argument. Big pharma wants to develop a new drug when they had one ready to use....
So you can’t read either? It wasn’t a twitter post. It was a google summary of an fda article. It is difficult to respond here without getting...
I think tetracycline takes it out pretty easily.
Honestly, there are some wackadoodles in every profession. It was a vet who I trusted if he had tried to sell me some MLM treatment himself I...
Months? lol no it wouldn’t. It would be replaced by the next stupid think that trump vomits up. So it would probably be in the news for an hour.
And if Castro did one thing right it was he invested in education. I think there are billions from former Cubans that would be reinvested.
I had a dog who got mange. Took him to the vet who told me he could write me a prescription which would be expensive or I could go to an animal...
I think in the third world it had some effect on Covid mortality. It wasn’t because it was an antiviral but having a parasitic infection while...
I don’t know how I would answer if I was polled. I might choose an option like definitely Biden if these two fossils are our choices but seriously...
Do you care if what you post is true because this almost has to be intentionally wrong[ATTACH]
It was all there, they even had an early internet service, maybe prodigy? Upload the old sears catalog and they could have fought Amazon for...
Seems sensible but I will add one more thing. Actually invest the largess. No increase in benefits with the temporary surplus. Invest the money in...
I also don’t have any legal background but it seems it’s not the iPhone itself that is under attack but the Apple App Store. The App Store getting...
Dr Phil may be the worst of the three but it’s hard to get lower than the belly of a snake. How he ever became a popular tv host is beyond me. I...
1977 or 78.
Well I got that; the incessant use of the n word bugged me.
Well I just listened to a freakonomics podcast about immigrants. We would be better off economically letting almost everyone in.
I am a big fan of not doing business with Saudi Arabia.
I recently saw blazing saddles for the first time in maybe 40 years. I love Mel brooks movies but this one didn’t age as well as others have.
I don’t know. The Bautista’s were horrible leaders, but the communists have been no better. Free and fair elections seem to be a reasonable...