….. the possibilities are endless
To be completely fair (I hate that word)…. Spurrier inherited an epic defensive roster. And he used it to win a lot of games. And there were...
Montrell "Big" Johnson from 7
SC produces more than twice the amount of peaches as GA does. Bwahaha! Get a new nickname GA!
Bob Wills is still the king.
AR, tired of the noise in the system, goes Braveheart on first drive. It culminates with a 6 yard run on an RPO to the right side.
In other news…. This UGA fan has excellent command of the English language.
Man. I'm glad I don't have a hot-mic around me.
Like Emory, the dudes all Gator. And I appreciate the effort. He does seem at times to play scared/tight. With the way the offense was scuffling...
Sometimes, you need to shoot a hostage.
Johnson 3 yard run
We gottem' right where we want them....
Slept til 7:30 Laundry Vacuum Lunch Nap Grocery shopping Should I go on? (got home after midnight from softball tournament last night)
I can probably find you a blue heeled puppy if you really want one. Some people around here raise them. Of course, like everything else they’re...
Thank you for kind responses.
The last 7 months of my life has sucked donkey balls. Epically tough. I know UF football isn’t where we want it. I know there are other posters...
If we cloned 51, how long would we have to wait until they could play?
One thing that is easy to forget is the low number of offensive plays per game. With that being the case, it's harder for everyone to get their...
Dude, hicks do not deserve to be lumped into the same class as LSU.
[IMG] Jackson, GA