Curious what percentage of the population is getting the most recent Fall booster? My guess is the answer will give you an idea of how the...
This narrative from the left is comical considering they are providing the blueprint in real time. Obama's guys in the alphabet agencies have...
What too few people remember is that back in 2011, in the aftermath of the November 2010 shellacking of the Democrats by activist Tea Party groups...
The RNC is no friend to Trump. Wasting money on useless debates finally ran its course. Ronna McRomney was feeling the heat from the America...
And if they are from out of state... 2%.
How South Carolina’s Republican Governor Brilliantly Dismissed Anti-Trans Bathroom Laws Her position on this will change back and forth. She has...
You must live underground.
Congress provided $7.5B for electric vehicle chargers. Built so far: Zero.
Obama loses control if they insert Newsome? Will have to be someone else who is working in the WH or living with Barry unless they have some...
You're one laid-back dude.
I believe you would enjoy this 6-part podcast. Ep. 133: The Fighter (Part One) - Red Pilled America
One and he is now backing Trump.
This is one day at a small little piece of land on the expansive border. These POS politicians and billionaires supporting them are at fault....
I think they are trying for a 2nd time to keep him off the ballot.
You are correct, it won't make a difference. Charles Koch is a man of notorious disposition who loves open borders and multinational trade –...
Black Friday Special In Incredible Black Friday Sale, Lockheed Martin Offering 2 Wars For Price Of 1
The war will be over soon because the money laundering is coming to an end.
To be fair, most illegals are not bad people. They are people making rational decisions for their families. I would deport the millions of them...