Fuzzy math? I did click thru the numbers of the 100k that have died, and the total I gave you was EXACTLY the number of 0-24 year olds who have...
You keep saying 1 in a million like it's gospel. Where are you getting this data? I didn't believe it, so I tried to corroborate your claim....
Did you click on Texas to see the detail? Yesterday was nearly 1600. Today only 3 or 4 counties have posted an update so far.
Not a liberal. Just a lifelong republican who is capable of independent thought. :ninja2:
No one but ourselves to blame for letting someone like this get elected...
Just slightly OT... The Blue Angels flew through South Florida today as part of the salute to front line workers. They went right over our...
-------- Cases---Deaths---Tests 4/11-4/17 205218 15410 145830 4/18-4/24 210410 14543 210410 4/25-5/01 205798 13562...
Same. I started doing online core fitness videos with my wife, and we dusted off the bowflex. And we've been biking around the neighborhood. I've...
I usually get mine from the lime in my margarita.
We don't know yet if they really planned to kill him (murder 1), or just planned to confront him and it escalated from there (murder 2). That's...
I hope you're right, but I think it's way too optimistic when we're still seeing 12-15k deaths a week, and everyone is jumping all over themselves...
And now they're both going to go to prison for a very long time. That sounds like an easy murder 2 charge.
Actually, you're not wrong. A measured dose of doom and gloom to set the tone would actually help those on fringe right (not the mainstream...
Please stop with the conspiracy nonsense. This has been discussed multiple times in this thread. I'll repeat it again... COD was not...
Let's pretend they're right (although we've already discussed the sampling used by the Stanford study). Let's use your number. Pretend 100% more...
I don't think you know enough about me to make that statement. I'm an engineer by trade, and my world view tends to be fact driven. You are...
I give up. Can't teach someone who doesn't care to learn.
If I pick "Come on Man" does it count against your total or Barr's?
Not quite. COD was not changed....reporting guidance changed. This is from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/vsrg/vsrg03-508.pdf...
You're already wrong on this - so go ahead and admit it. This is NOT like the flu. The April death toll alone, with a week to go, is equal to an...