Man, if there was an easy way to take HSR from S FL to Gainesville for football games, absolutely sign me up. The turnpike traffic has been...
Don't worry about that, you don't come off as seeking anything. But seriously, a heartfelt thank you for what you do - regardless of whatever we...
There's no "taking them off" of the recorded day, because they are never recorded. Deaths are backdated at the time they are reported. This will...
My GP was actually a specialist in infectious disease. Really sharp guy, just retired. Had a great conversation with him a few years ago, after...
Sorry... Couldn't resist!
My point was more that it's meaningless for someone to point to an aggregated statistic and say it's "safe" for someone who is deemed "healthy"....
Tell that to my coworker who just spent 13 days in a hospital bed with the delta variant. His blood o2 dropped to 83%. He's home now, but still...
I don't have a WSJ subscription, so this is paywalled for me. My own eyes show me that the way deaths are being reported leads to an "apparent"...
I like that we're finding some common ground! You seemed to be mocking the idea of a vaccinated person quarantining, that's really what I was...
Dude, you and I must live in different worlds. Yes, if a person has had a covid exposure that puts them at risk for being infected (and by that,...
How many hours/days after exposure does it take for covid to register on a test? I don't know the answer to that question, but I suspect you...
But that's precisely the point.... why shouldn't they want to? Outside of trypanophobia, what is the reason to not want to? I mean, what...
For those that have already dug in their heels, I don't think a kumbaya strategy is going to work either... when people can't even agree on a...
Actually, I blame both parties. The vaccinated person for going to the office sick (who does this during a global pandemic?), and the...
I posted last week about my employee who came down with Covid nearly 2 weeks ago. Last Tuesday he emailed me that it was still kicking his ass...
Despite your attempt to project superiority we're not that different. I'm doing much of the same things you are, I'm just being a little more...
Neither am I. I have both surgical and N95 masks. When in a circumstance where I'm going to be indoors and extended close contact is...
No, it is one out of a collection of behaviors of avoiding opportunity for infection, which together will keep me from getting it and bringing it...
Why would I? Covid is not in my car or in my home. When I go out, I seek to minimize opportunity to pick it up and bring it home. Similarly, I...
One of my employees has been out sick since Tuesday last week. Guy in his late 40s, in good shape, not vaccinated. He got covid tested, came...