Let me know when you figure out a safe way to deliver natural immunity to the masses. Until they, we're still going to recommend people get a jab.
All true statements in a vacuum, but they don't address my point. And yes - FL deaths should be peaking right now. It'll just be a while before...
You need to wait another couple of weeks before drawing conclusions on FL death rates from omicron. The data for January is still somewhat...
This is a fair point. In an IRA account, I'm sitting on a cash balance a little over $100k from a stock sales about a year ago. It's a modest...
I've been tracking my investments since 2004. Each year I plug contributions and gains into a spreadsheet. My average annual gain (factoring out...
I say we round all of them up and hang them for treason.
Ok guys, how did you do last year? From a pure dollars perspective, last year's stock market was my best year yet. Total portfolio gain was...
Interestingly, anyone holding S&P500 index funds in their 401k or otherwise has around 1.5% exposure to Pfizer, Moderna, Regeneron, J&J, etc.
Have to agree. I know more people in my social circle have come down with it in the last 2-3 weeks than in the entire 2 years prior. My wife...
Yeah, I ran an 18 min 5k in high school. Got fat and lazy as an adult (it's easy to do) and picked up running again in my 30s. Went from 195 to...
Damn, a sub-19 is impressive. And the weight loss. Well done!
Just watched Red Notice on Netflix this week. It's a fun action comedy with the Rock, Ryan Reynolds, and the lovely Gal Gadot!
Could be related to the fact that delta already burned through the FL population. Hint: covid comes in waves - peaks and troughs.
Interestingly, polling shows a strong correlation between your choice of news source and whether or not you believe covid misinformation.... those...
Natural immunity isn't the savior you want it to be. We keep promoting the vaccine because you can safely administer a vaccine. You can't safely...
I agree with this 100%. But in my head, I still read everything slightlyskeptic says in a George Costanza voice. :)
Is that suggestive of a pretty high death rate? :D
Is that the only measure of success for a public transportation project? How many highways turn a profit? County roads? I think the cost analysis...
And the problem is, once you add all those wish list stops, the train is not high speed because it has too damn many stops. Or you add in your...