I didn’t realize this was a paid op-ed from someone with an axe to grind. I’ll have to read the actual regulations before definitely stating but...
This has to be vegasfox. He has an imaginary intellect.
I don’t read it that way. The bolded language states “the later of” not “earlier.”
You honestly believe he was embellishing? He incontrovertibly actively deployed overseas to support an ongoing war (or whatever term of art we...
Really, really, really stretching here. As someone that has primarily voted Republican and Libertarian, and was raised in a military family with...
That was a needle. If it’s temporary then it has to have biodegradable ink meaning she has that on her forehead a minimum 9-12 months. Yikes. I...
She also said the same thing about corporations.
On the positive side you should be getting pretty good interest on the overpayment.
You say this while admitting in a prior post that Trump is correctly ranked as the worst President in our country’s history. If you’re being...
What is “many” and how does your position align with immigrant crime rates in the USA? I’d like to read the stats of criminals caught at our...
Russia also lost a submarine last year too. They claimed they were going to repair it so I’m not sure it was a full loss. Edit: It was actually...
I don’t think it’s the cost so much as the time to replace. Tanks, APCs, etc. don’t take 7 years to replace. Russia’s current submarine build...
Kamala is already having to backtrack her most liberal positions and these geniuses think the play is to select a more liberal VP? :rolleyes:
Saw elsewhere that some F-16s were seen flying around Odessa. I wonder what their role will be. Defense of Odessa, attacking Crimea, bit of both?
Jokes aside, this election will be for the true swing votes, not the consistent straight line voters in either party.
I’m against men competing with women, but it hasn’t been conclusively demonstrated the athlete is a man. She apparently has women bits and the XY...
What is your interpretation of the evidentiary limitations?
Another conspiracy nut has blossomed into his full glory. [img]
I’d love to hear what you think “my side” is? This should be good.