Russia Now Has a Second Frontline Set Up Just to Kill Its Deserters: Intel I'd expect nothing less from a former KGB boss. Just like Uncle Joe...
Also the hardworking men and women of the immigrant population.
Just gross.
Why does the St Johns still flow north? Because Georgia still sucks
Zook's first year. I think they were top 5
Good move for KC
This, every manager should read Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.
Thanks for sharing. This is where the conservative movement misses out...conservation. Theodore Roosevelt had this one right.
Yeah, I deleted it. I was wrong.
I will redact my previous statement, with the following addendum: 91% of convictions are US citizens. Not 91% of the product flowing. That being...
Agree, but unfortunately, a few bad actors can turn a peaceful protest into a mob. In both cases, IMO
Honestly, I think it was a big non-issue, a resume builder for Desantis. I love this country. I do not sugar coat its history. Before I went...
This whole stolen land thing. Technically it is correct, however most nations are built on “stolen land” so it’s a non-factor through the lens of...
You’re better than this. Rioters in the capitol and peaceful protestors burning down businesses are of the same ilk.
War ain't hell. There are no innocent bystanders in hell. Paraphrasing Hawkeye Pierce
Obviously the middle ground is where the answer lies. Churches should be caring for those less fortunate. So should government. Temporarily while...
They should hire Stoops yesterday.
Coaches who are masters at BOTH Xs and Os AND Jimmys and Joes are exceedingly rare. Xs and Os guys shine right off the bat and then fade (Mullen...
Throw that shoe buddy, you've earned it!