Good. No place for this type of garbage. If you are triggered by a sign, grow up. [MEDIA]
I agree. Traditional media has become a pay for advertisement of opinions laced with facts and lies due to lazy speed to market. We cannot rely...
It’s an interesting phenomenon. There is a business opportunity to create “trust services” for people to subscribe to and identify fake / AI...
Let’s see how DeSantis deals with power outages and post hurricane clean-up and insurance claims. He’s got some dancing to do still.
Which is why so many in California want to split the state in 3 parts.
Two things: 1) executive branch power has grown far beyond the framers’ intent. This is Congress not doing their job. The Unitary Executive Theory...
“We can be picking winners and losers” is now just “picking losers”. Tax policy for dummies.
Part of the gig… and many will volunteer because the pay is good.
Would have expected out of town linemen get a per Diem payment from their home employer, who then turns around and bills it to the power company...
Florida really needs to raise its sales tax and tourism associated taxes to pay into the coffers. Can only get worse. I suppose it is a dance on...
I am suggesting that it is dummy Trump talk and he can’t torpedo the economy in a trade war. The flip is that his tax plan has no offset without...
Well, that is an idea. i don’t have the answers to why it won’t work… but if it does, can you share thoughts on the long term impact: - does it...
@WarDamnGator — I am gonna have to give your a sort-of-disagree on this. The largest increase in “tax” is a projected impact on people for an...
What would you cut in spending and why? My end-game view, which the minds of THFSG can give me some textbook answer, the US national debt is...
Objectively, she did fine and her responses were reflective of a general election policies, albeit they have moved to the center from her past...
Thought this deserved its own thread as we may have insight into hedging and other prop type bets on elections versus the traditional polls. After...
Well played.
Well… he’s only a knucklehead at times. Ramble On!
Mmm… experts < bubba logic. Sigh…
A reasonable discussion on ideas. A breath of fresh air.