The strategy is to build up our anger and aggression with Democrats and their control freakery and then unleash it on a foreign "threat" under...
Take away the cupcake wins and we're a .500 team against anyone with a pulse.
It was directionist and lacked the clarification brought by referring only to people on the east side of the largest and most diverse continent on...
I suppose it's an improvement, but I'm never going back to seeking my place in it all. The damage is done.
He's right. He can. You don't have to be a left wing institution to play this game if you have the funds.
Read you 5 x 5.
Is Port Arthur stopping anyone from leaving to fart in elevators elsewhere?
Yeah, but you won't be able to take them off.
The only solution I see is for the Japanese economy to do a better job of monetizing video game skills. It is what it is.
If they're changing the name of the cafe, they also cured the locals of giving a rat's ass about getting a chance to eat there. Jimmy didn't sell...
I wonder if Jimmy will be buried at sea or on land.
OT trivia: Don Gant was the singer in this one-hit wonder by Neon Philharmonic from the summer of 1969. (8) Morning Girl - The Neon Philharmonic...
Maybe he meant he'd just play "Boat Drinks" and roll with it.
Summer of '74. I was 13 and on vacation in Florida for the first time ever when I first heard that song. Stayed in a house near Dunnellon where...
It's 1974 somewhere.
Senator McConnell Wins $1.3 Billion Powerball Jackpot with 0-0-0-0-0-0
It maxes out at 70. At 67 you can draw it and continue to work full time without penalty.
Nebraska did it against Miami in the '84 Orange Bowl. I think the guy who changed numbers picked Bernie off and he and Howard Schnellenberger got...
There won't be many of them.
And conference titles were the prize.