Another alternative fact corrected about crime this time
David Muir corrects another alternative fact
They’re eating the dogs
Yeah, i Googled it. trump has, in the past, claimed he graduated at the top of his class. The school has no records of that.
Moderator corrected him on one alternative fact
“I went to the Wharton School of Finance” is this true?
I’m certainly not. Much, much better. Thanks Kamala Edit: and Joe
Breaking News: Senate Republicans do what trump told them to do. Bombshell
And, of course, Anita Spanking and Amanda Huginkiss who were frequently paged at Moe’s.
trump is a good and honorable man with the utmost integrity.
Yes, but by now it is in the TH Phrase HOF along with Corruption Rules and Gator Knight’s assessments of mortgage brokers.
So far, we have stories of improper behavior by Vance and couches (she was just asking for it) and now Haitians stealing and eating cats. Hang on,...
And drive in a zig-zag pattern on the highway so you’re harder to hit.
This is very authoritarian and is at the heart of why his efforts are so offensive. Free State of Florida my ass.
trump plans to prosecute political donors and lawyers and other unscrupulous people he suspects of election cheating if he wins. From his truth...
One only needs to be pithed to understand him.
Yeah, i mean sometimes a cigar isn’t just a cigar
Not a person i would like to meet.Awful human being
Clarence Thomas for the Defense your honor. [MEDIA]
The Russians spent millions to foster propaganda that benefits only 1 American candidate. I think that is a more significant tell than what he...