Bombs away. Would not like having this repugnant person as my Gov. But wonder if he can drop out or if there’s time for R’s to get another name on...
Yup, hates the government, is on disability.
I was interested in reading a discussion regarding free speech vs violent rhetoric and where the line is between them. That article does mention...
Yeah, he’s Mr Mean Tweets but i like his socialist policies. ……… GOP 2024.
I think the FBI is reticent about all but the most egregious instances because they have had their nose bloodied by Congress over this.
Because its the Feds. Thats the way they roll. Will absolutely not permit a bunch of yahoos onto “their” land for the taking of wildlife....
14,000 is a lot of snakes. But the hunts have all occurred on state lands. None have occurred on the 1.5 million acres of Everglades NP. I wonder...
Maybe. How is that different than Someone is going to rape you? or Someone is going to pop your head and make a pink mist? i saw a video...
I remember the cover of The NY Post allegedly quoting Marla Maples just after their divorce “Best sex i’ve ever had”. No doubt in my mind this was...
Absolutely- 1 set of laws for everyone. I was just taken that because “someone” was going to shoot/rape you it was just free speech and opinion...
Is telling a political figure that someone is going to shoot them or rape them just free speech?...
One teamster local breaks from the National union to back Harris. They credit her with casting the vote to save their pensions. [MEDIA]
Dez Watson pick 6
Even more Republicans and former Republican members of Congress endorse Harris and say trump is unfit to serve [MEDIA]
Utter bullshit. You need some history lessons. Read closely. No charges related to his speech are included. Stop the gaslighting [MEDIA] one...
An amazing video. The Estonian host was beside himself with joy just The big bang comes to Russia. According to the video , the weapons depot was...
Its all political. The FED just wants to get Kamala elected.
The original missing cat that started a rumor that found its way to right wing social media and into a national presidential debate was found. The...
Yes, odd that a criminal with a severe personality disorder would be demanding deportation of same.
AKA hey moron, send me money