220 votes, my man. Conservatives are ecstatic. Liberals' heads are exploding.
You know it's a good choice when... [ATTACH]
that's what happens when you let 10 million illegals in.
such a douche.
Very very good choice, and you know I despise many Republicans. So glad McCarthy was defeated.
Lots of experts have changed their minds about the vaccine because of the lack of science and the proof of injury. Who got the new booster this...
We all know it's a spending problem. 3 billion on office furniture is a recent one. DC is full of white-collar criminals.
Again, Haley has zero chance Bluke. Here policies blow with the wind. She will say what she thinks might get her votes. She does not have a...
China moves 6 warships into the Middle East. The USS Carney traveled through the Suez Canal Wednesday and immediately intercepted 4 cruise...
Correct. We are borrowing money to give to someone else. In what real-life scenario would that ever take place?
[MEDIA] She is talking to you corporate media lovers.
We aren't striking Iran under this administration.
The only reason to get mad is they are pushing this on the children.
What parts were true?
Not only was it cheap, she read it off a card. The David Parkman wimp didn't share VR's reply. A reply that was most likely very sharp and...
1. How is the Cool. Can you get a note to the WH to fill the SPR backup?
Video is so meaningless and untrustworthy.
We all know some are caught, some get away, some are never seen, and many are given asylum. There are tens of 1000's coming from the Middle East...
So, how do you vet them? Are you aware of why Egypt is saying "no"? Egypt has worked very hard to rid the terrorists from their country.
so after the fact.