Get the prospectuses for your 401k funds and see what indexes they're really benchmarking/tracking and what the expense ratios are. If they're...
So here's where I get really philosophical, and I'm hoping I don't come off as super-elitist. I'm not a Dave Ramsey fan. His advice works for...
On the 401k, I'll share what was really helpful for me. The day I was eligible I started contributing 6%, because that was the smallest % that...
Crystal ball is hazy. Ask again later. :D I am extremely confident that the general trend is upward. There is a reason why the market is...
My first year out of college a friendly co-worker recommended I check out That's where I got my financial education. I've always been...
I'm primarily an index fund investor (all domestic, s&p tracking), though I keep a small amount of the portfolio to dabble in individual stocks. I...
Let's be fair. Yes, it's odd. But if she was actively helping people try to find/capture Pelosi, she didn't do a very good job. Pelosi leaving...
Hurt. Sums it up perfectly - just listen to the music/lyrics and watch the montage. [MEDIA]
How are you not hot under the collar? It's unfathomable to me that a mob of unruly Americans forcefully entered the Capitol and shut down...
I think most were, myself included. There were two different things going on. Peaceful protests to draw attention to a systemic problem. And...
Faux outrage? I can tell you that my outrage is quite real after a group of Trump supporters forcefully entered the US Capitol.
Did Maxine Waters ever whip a crowd into a frenzy and send them to sack the Capitol? I can't seem to find that in the google machine. Also, you...
It appears she was also an off-the-deep-end Trump/QAnan supporting whackadoo......
Really warms the heart, doesn't it? You know, seeing all those red hats and Trump flags, and the respect they have for our country and law...
As angry as I was watching these morons overrun the building, I was in favor of this. It would have laid the foundation that there are simply...
I just want to put on the record that after reading some of the overnight and morning comments, I am trying VERY HARD to follow forum rules. As...
What's left to discuss? Everyone is so entrenched in their way of thinking... I barely skim the covid threads anymore.
Love it!
It's been said, by me and others. In fact, the last time I said this, some even gave me a "come on man".
I don't understand the need to diminish someone who is concerned and taking precautions. I mean, "out of her mind" or hysterical would be one...