I could say us Gator Great Unwashed are cheap, but I would postulate that we are "efficient" with our funds. We want a good/great product (let's...
Looks like Godzilla, plays like Barney.
I will try to not go too "dissertation" on the subject. I will start with a sort of profound line from corporate marketing, "we know we spend...
I was prepared to join, but then my "8-ball" said "not today". Oh well, when the mystics say something, you HAVE to listen.
I won't deny your take. I would only say that, collectively if we were that good then we should have pulled away and we plainly did not. Samuel...
Upon further review... Let me begin by saying this is the SEC, 2023/2024 version, and winning is going to be TOUGH, and that is doubly correct...
Well, what else was there for him to practice on? It seems to me, can he make a move under the basket to get a foul call and then can he hit...
He needs to be Tebow 2.0 in the beginning. Few true freshmen are prepared to be The Man in the SEC. And I would say that any who look really good...
If I may opine, when things got "out of hand" was when FSU began to get all the "free" goodies from the state, which means too many FSU silly folk...
I have to believe they mean those who are involved in print. The website has to be quite different. The Athletic attempted to be the internet...
As a result, Florida will have to vacate all wins in the 2023 season and give up the bowl money. Works for me!
And on a serious note, if he rebounds well, holds up against the stouter opponents, and can spread 5 fouls over the entire game, he WILL be an asset.
He is a big whose parents had an aversion to vowels. It happens.
Are you claiming our commit from the big kindergartener may not go through as planned?:eek::eek::eek:
Neither is seat licensing (thinking the NFL, not sure about college). Just another "fun tax" you pay to get what you want. Are we that interested?
It has been "prettied up" for us folks. AND so for every bought and paid for mercenary, there are plenty of true student athletes who embrace...
Yeah, nothing much said on these boards is "fact", just conjecture. This conjecture is pretty far out there. I seriously doubt this is the way it...
IMHO, the reason why Mus-take got 4 years was because...Meyer told Foley and all that it was NOT kosher to have fired Zook after 3 years. We "got...